
Monday, January 11, 2010

Top ten chemists

If you ever wondered who the top ten chemists of the past decade are, your curiosity may finally be quenched.

Times Higher Education selected "Top Ten Chemists" of the last decade and Steve Buchwald of MIT leads the pack. Of course these metrics are highly speculative and misleading, since the quality of the scientists should not be measured by numbers. But nonetheless, this list gives some highlight for these hard working scholars.

Scientist Papers CitationsCitations per paper
1Stephen L. Buchwald Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US Organic chemistry, organic synthesis171 14,822 86.68
2Chad A. Mirkin Northwestern University, US Materials science, nanoscience218 18,531 85.00
3Robert H. Grubbs (Nobel laureate, 2005) California Institute of Technology, US Organic chemistry, catalysis171 13,884 81.19
4Mostafa A. El-Sayed Georgia Institute of Technology, US Physical chemistry, nanoscience112 8,483 75.74
5Younan Xia Washington University, US Biomaterials and nanoscience140 10,520 75.14
6Gregory C. Fu Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US Organic chemistry, asymmetric catalysis108 8,020 74.26
7George M. Whitesides Harvard University, US Bio-organic/physical organic chemistry, materials 241 17,593 73.00
8Michael Grätzel Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland Photochemistry, solar cells174 11,117 63.89
9Wenbin Lin University of North Carolina, US Supramolecular, materials and catalytic chemistry106 6,685 63.07
10James M. Tour Rice University, US Organic chemistry, nanoscience135 8,472 62.76

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